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Sustainable development is based on business in harmony with nature and humans, respecting the law.

CT Group focuses on the responsibility of creating genuine prosperity and human happiness as the foundation for all development ideas and strategies. This philosophy is fully implemented with key elements, namely collective action, goodwill, and harmony.

Join hands in international green certification programs, protecting the planet and the beautiful living environment in all its projects and businesses.

Besides, CT Group regularly organizes social activities such as afforestation; beach and river cleaning; implementing the 3R housing program (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

In addition, CT Group spreads love for people and devotes itself to supporting the community with thousands of social activities in many fronts such as emergency relief, medical examination and treatment, assistance to the poor, sponsorships for talented and poor young generation, offering rewards for good people with good deeds, prizes for knights. From helping hospitals to supporting the soldiers on the front lines of the island border; providing assistance from Vietnam to Myanmar, and victims of the Japanese tsunami, etc.

CT Group is a typical model for a Vietnamese enterprise with global contributions to the world’s Netzero 2050 roadmap: CT Group participates in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) In 2021, COP28 in 2023 and connects with many world environmental organizations while implementing 12 Netzero programs in many industries and many special models.


CT Group has an ESG Council with many outstanding achievements becoming a volunteer in raising awareness about climate impacts in Vietnam and region:


Projects that have won awards for many years in terms of green planning, green  architecture, applying the trend  of “green living”  –  3R,  carrying   out activities like cleaning up canals and   beaches,  afforestation, developing solar  energy  and renewable  energy,  etc.  The majority of CT Group’s sectors serve the goal of climate change management.  Particularly,  CT Group has companies that play a  pioneering  role  in  driving emissions reduction, such as carbon  credit  platforms  and comprehensive  ESG  advisory platforms, etc.


With a mission as a communi- ty-driven conglomerate, right from its early days, CT Group has carried out thousands of social activities spanning from North to South Vietnam and extending beyond, reaching regions like Myanmar, Japan, etc, operating both domestical- ly and internationally.


CT Group has won Asia Best Workplace Award for many years, voted by HR Asia Magazine. Not only that, CT Group is honored to be in the Top 10 “Employers loved and voted the most by internal employees” conducted by CareerBuilder Vietnam along with a series of other awards regarding the working environment and recruitment activities of prestigious organizations. CT Group has successfully digitalized business- es and become a spearhead technology enterprise in Vietnam.


CT Group is also one of the pioneers in upholding the spirit of strictly abide by the laws, not only in business and social activities but also in the internal governance aspect.

During 30 years of business, in addition to ensuring business activities in accordance with the provisions of the law. CT Group also focuses on social activities, contributing to building a community that strictly abide the laws, such as: supporting and sponsoring teams of knights capturing robbers to protect poor people

, rewarding the knight teams, “Luc Van Tien in the middle of everyday life” program in 2010s, “Bao Cong poor neighbors with Phap Luat newspaper” program in order to provide judicial support to the poor, disadvantaged, unprotected by the law, etc.

CT Group also fosters an internal culture based on the Westpoint model, emphasizing discipline, aiming for every employee to be a fighter, each department to function as a battalion, and CT Group itself to be an empathetic army, leveraging unity and discipline as strengths for sustainable development.


At CT Group, humans are the leading factor in the Group’s development strategies. CT Group is a place to focus on whole person development from intelligence, personality, and style to work skills and life skills in addition to economic development for common prosperity for members and their families. their family. “360-de- gree policy” – is a special policy that cares for the development of material and spiritual life in all aspects. The ESOP program offers attractive stock bonuses, life insurance – Lifetime welfare with preferential rates of up to billions of Vietnam dong, and rewards for cars and houses for employees. Everyone is immersed in an open and friendly environment, which is full of love. At work, employees also have the opportunity to exercise, improve their physical health and have a positive life.

CT Group also regularly organizes many entertainment activities, social activities, and vacations every year. In particular, the CT Group Caravan journey is a famous training program in the market. For those who love social work activities, CT Group is an environment for them to join hands to make daily direct contributions to the community, the honest poor, and the disadvantaged in society because the core value of CT Group is becoming a corporation for the community from the very beginning. For young people who love technology, CT Group is the door to access the science and technology of the world and enter the 4.0 future of humanity.

The catchphrase of senior staff is “CT Group is the place where an ordinary employee can become extraordinary”.

CT Group was honored to receive Asia’s Best Places to Work Award in 2020 and 2022 voted by HR Asia magazine. Over 30 years of development, CT Group is known honestly as a corporation for the community, for the poor and disadvantaged in society, a corporation that always fights non-stop for the good, against the evil, for the sake of civilization and human progress. The corporation is a place where every ordinary employee can also have a great life of a leader without a title.