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LOGIINDS provides solutions to improve the current logistics industry using Green concepts and Hi-technology solutions such as Optimizing the network of strategical locations at Airports, Seaports, River Ports, Rail stations, key inland hub and key economic zones which create an unreplaceable integrated network.

LOGIINDS’ s competitive advantages are: 

– Developing Logistics HUBs in Vietnam which are near Airports, Harbors, Big cities, and the Goods Transshipment Areas. 

– A Pioneer in the development of AI technology for the logistics industry in Vietnam. 

– Application of AI to optimize operations with algorithms for Logistics Hubs, AI, and Robotics. Utilize all technology platforms for operation. 

Logistics Hub: Logistics hubs are generally defined as linking points– infrastructure facilities and nodal points – in logistics network. They serve mainly as transhipment points for the flow of goods. Accordingly, there is not only storage operation, but also ordering, bundling and unbundling process.

Logistics Park: a plot of land developed within a minimum of ten acres area for establishment of a minimum of five enterprises engaged or proposed to engage in logistic services like cargo aggregation/segregation, distribution, open storage, closed warehouses, environmentally conditioned storage, container warehouses, material handling equipments and have infrastructure like internal roads, power line, water distribution, sewage and drainage lines.

Logistics Center: center in a defined area in which all activities relating to transportation, logistics, and the distribution of goods – both for national and international transit, carried out by various operators on a commercial basis. The operators can either be owners or tenants of buildings and facilities (warehouses, distribution centers, storage areas, offices, truck services, etc.

Distribution Center: defined as a specialized location in a building or a warehouse where goods or products are distributed to the resellers or the wholesalers or in some cases directly to the final customers.

Warehouse: short-term or long-term storage and preservation of goods

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