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Ho Chi Minh City, June 16, 2024 – This morning, the Forum Summit “Science and Technology 4.0: Development Strategies for the Mekong Delta” was co-hosted by CT Group, Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. The forum attracted participations from central government leaders, southern provincial and city officials, as well as national and international scientists across various technological fields.

Speakers discussed development strategies for science and technology 4.0 in the Mekong Delta

The Mekong Delta is one of the world’s most valuable deltas, blessed with fertile soil and a favorable climate for agriculture, production, and the export of food, seafood, and fruits, making it the largest exporter in the ASEAN region. It is also a vast rice basket ensuring abundant food security for Vietnam and the world. Despite this, the region remains impoverished, with residents often migrating to other provinces such as Dong Nai and Binh Duong or other nations such as South Korea and Malaysia for work due to limited local opportunities. The region suffers from fragmented governmental efforts, low investment in research and innovation, insufficient infrastructure, significant brain drain, and a lack of human resources and investment capital.

This forum is the first to address the development of the Mekong Delta from the perspective of synchronizing and optimizing Industry 4.0 technologies and to focus on development strategies for the Mekong Delta. Managers, experts, scientists, and businesses proposed models for the optimal integration of core Industry 4.0 technologies and the transition to a green economy, highlighting key projects such as Carbon Credits, Agriculture, Green Construction, Green Transportation, Digital Transformation including AI, Data Centers, Smart Cities, Semiconductors, and Unmanned Vehicles, and Circular Economy initiatives like Hydrogen Energy and the 5R. Appropriate infrastructure development and human resource strategies were also discussed.

At the forum, experts emphasized the importance of applying green technologies and collaborative solutions for sustainable development in the Mekong Delta. Alliances among localities, research institutes, universities, and businesses to leverage each party’s strengths were also proposed.

Mr. Tran Kim Chung, Corporate President of CT Group, shared: “Most people still do not fully understand the importance of the 4.0 Technology Revolution on humanity and are unprepared to master the future. The Mekong Delta, in particular, lags in infrastructure and technology. This forum aims to provide practical technological solutions, showcasing what we can do for the Mekong Delta in the short, medium, and long term. With the cooperation of the leaders from major media agencies, we can create innovative and effective social initiatives that align with the region’s development goals and have a long-lasting value.

Mr. Tran Kim Chung delivered a presentation on Development Strategies for the Integrated Industrial Revolution 4.0 in the Mekong Delta

High-tech and sustainable scientific development has been identified as a key driver for socio-economic growth in the Mekong Delta. The forum summit “Science and Technology 4.0: Development Strategies for the Mekong Delta” is the first of its kind to combine academic and business expertise to develop an optimal model for the synchronized application of Industry 4.0 technologies in the region. This long-term, non-profit initiative aims to improve the lives of 20 million residents in the Mekong Delta, making their lives better and more prosperous.