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Where to start to recover the real estate market is a tough question, given businesses are on the verge of bankruptcy or already being bankrupted with no cash flow or revenue as well as their debts in banks and bonds are coming. 90% of real estate enterprises, particularly those involved in tourism and second home real estate, are severely impacted. There are companies that slash pay or reduce staff numbers by 60–70%. Many owners of small and medium-sized businesses must sell their personal assets in order to keep their businesses operating. The situation has no precedent. In order to prepare for another breakthrough, CT Group views this as a perfect chance to practice, boost internal motivation, intensify learning activities, improve the caliber of human resources, and seize every opening.

Maintain the learning environment, and enhance the team’s productivity

People are the most valuable asset and resource for helping organizations face and overcome obstacles, according to CT Group. In response to the market’s rapid changes, the Group patiently adjusts and develops a sustainable human resource development plan, giving enterprises a competitive edge.

Beginning in the middle of the first quarter of 2023, CT Group will give human development initiatives priority in order to raise the standard of its people resources. The Group rapidly organized a committed force to mold, create a training plan, and thoroughly fortify the squad. Promote training initiatives actively and keep a culture of learning alive within. On a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis, a variety of learning programs are implemented, fostering an environment where people may study nonstop, discover their potential, and enhance their ability.

The flexible, diversified, and innovative training techniques offered by CT Group also foster habit formation and the dissemination of learning behaviors among staff members. Online learning programs using 4.0 technology on digital platforms are used, as are seminars, sharing, and direct exchanges with the assistance of a team of skilled and experienced coaches. offering engaging learning opportunities, encouraging employees to feel enthusiastic and learn more successfully. judiciously in terms of content and technology.

The Group also develops criteria to assess and gauge the effectiveness of training and learning activities. As a foundation for upkeep and improvement, indicators in terms of quantity, quality, and training content are kept track of. People are made, given chances, given access to resources like infrastructure and facilities, and are exposed to the newest software so they may explore and grow to their best potential. As a result, the team has progressively become stronger and the quality of its human resources has improved, making it ready to succeed once more.

CT Group maintains a culture of learning and improves the quality of our staff

Unity is a prerequisite to overcome difficulties

One requirement to help CT Group overcome obstacles and stand firm in the volatile market is the collective’s unanimity and the will to resolutely grasp the market, from the Board of Directors to the staff. This is in addition to maintaining a learning culture and a strong corporate culture. The current problems and difficulties serve as the fire that smolders and forges the “iron men” who are the motivating force and instructors of the populace’s resolve to overcome the obstacle.

Aiming to optimize the current platform, join forces to promote and promote solutions to increase efficiency, and be prepared to accelerate when the time is right, CT Group put all of its full effort into implementing a general review and review of strategic plans and business models, taking advantage of the market’s “stopping point” and turning challenges into advantages.

The staff continually believes in, follows, and puts into practice the plans and policies approved by the Board of Directors. In the current time, the Group stresses consolidating and creating a professional and dynamic working environment with leading human resource policies, in addition to encouraging a learning culture. In addition to investing in the development of a team of professionals, CT Group develops exceptional employees with “steel” discipline, constantly prioritizing the company’s principles and a focus on “deeply human” value.

In the middle of the gloomy real estate market, CT Group doesn’t just wait and wait; instead, it seizes the chance to renew internal energy, enhance resources, and foster a culture of learning inside the Group, giving the organization impetus to improve employee quality. The Group now has additional strength to meet problems thanks to the spirit of “above and below one heart,” the group effort to overcome obstacles, and the full heart to forge the steel. In order to build resilience and be prepared to accelerate in the upcoming time, CT Group will keep promoting training activities, upholding the culture of learning, and maintaining it.



On a chilly year-end afternoon, the atmosphere aboard the ‘Reunion Bus’ was surprisingly warm, filled with bright smiles as passengers eagerly looked forward to returning home. Ms. Mai Lieu, along